Yesterday gave me blueberry picking in the morning, and an afternoon hike in a local preservation land trust. The photos are a sample of the spiritual interlude that I shared with a friend — berry picking, good conversation, and a hike whose end was a breathtaking view of the Maine woodlands. (Her hand is in the final photo, holding lichen.)
I was surprised to learn that folks don’t know that I’ve been embedding audios in these posts for the past few months; so let me clarify.
Instead of writing my entries, I’ve been sending my weekly posts out with audio embeds. If you see a link that says “MP3,” that means you can click the link in the email and it will take you to an audio player. If you click the “MP3” on the site, you listen directly from the audio player on the site.
These MP3’s contain a recorded entry, and there is either a brief meditation at the end of the entry, or the meditation is posted separately.
The MP3 audios have taught me a lot about recording. If you listen to them, I would appreciate any feedback you have. Thank you.
Here is this week’s audio portion: