“Everything’s intentional. It’s just filling in the dots.”
— David Byrne

Hello friends,
For the next ten Saturdays, we’ll be exploring ‘Intentionality.’
The series will be different than its title may suggest, for it will engage a broad and, hopefully, cohesive understanding of the term.
Our format for the next ten weeks?
The Tuesday posts will be improvised. There may be recordings, but I suspect the content will be short, maybe a quote, a bit of art, a photo, a brief (or not so brief) written entry, and the content may or may not intersect with our ten week theme.
The weekly Saturday entry will be the thematically driven recorded reflection and meditation, with photo/quote/art as inspiration leads.
Today’s recording is a prelude, an invitation to consider the meaning and use of ‘intentionality,’ and to create a space for a deeper, expanding journey into intentional living.
Our small but engaged group invites you to join us in this journey.
Thanks for visiting and subscribing.
Recorded audio reflection and meditation, click here: