Hello, friends,
I’d like to thank you for following, sharing, and connecting these past 6 years — it is six, I believe.
It’s an honor to have you in this space, and as part of my life.
In that spirit, I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.
Despite the holiday’s origins and our skewed myths around it, Thanksgiving’s perhaps my favorite holiday.
Gratitude is the foundation practice for all of life: it changes our perception, and we learn to see what wants to be seen, because our sight’s unveiled. Giving thanks opens the doors of wonder, magic, mystery, tenderness, hope, perseverance, courage, healing, resilience, and beauty.
It transfigures our cares and doubts and despair into provisions, if we are patient.
No formulas, no rituals, no doing, no achieving, no judgement, no opinion.
It’s the practice inviting us into joy and equanimity.
And equanimity’s greatest gift, stillness.
Gratitude is where our ‘yeses’ are conceived: yes to life, yes to love, yes to every transitory moment as a drop in the incomprehensible cosmic ocean.
It’s the shift from living to being alive.
That’s a bit of what I’m thinking about today.
And I wanted to share my thanks with and for you.
May you and those you hold dear make memories that matter today, your gratitude delivering a feast of yeses..
— JH